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Endowed Funds


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Wabash invites alumni, parents, and friends to establish endowed funds at the College. Endowed funds invest a principal value to produce revenue. In turn, the revenue generated each year provides support for the purpose of the fund in perpetuity. Striving for a donor-centered approach, Wabash seeks to match up donor interests with College needs. Endowed funds further strengthen the financial foundation of Wabash by freeing up other unrestricted funds so that those dollars may be used where the needs have gone unmet.

Endowed funds are one way to create a permanent legacy at Wabash for you, your family, or a loved one. Funds can also be named to honor or memorialize someone who has had a positive impact on your life.

Current needs for endowed funds include the following areas:

Endowed Scholarships
Wabash seeks, as its first priority, philanthropic investments to sustain our ability to attract and enroll men suited for the challenge we offer. Needed are additional permanently endowed scholarship funds for need-based and merit-based scholarships.  Endowed scholarship minimum $100,000.*

Endowed Faculty Chairs/Professorships
Recruiting, developing, and retaining faculty who carry forward the College’s legacy of teaching excellence is essential to Wabash’s future. Equally important are resources that enhance the full range of faculty activity and support good teaching and student engagement. Accordingly, Wabash seeks investments in endowed faculty chairs and professorships. Endowed Faculty Chair/Professorship minimums:*

  • Full Tenured Faculty $2,500,000
  • Senior Professorship $2,000,000
  • Professorship $1,500,000
  • Pre-Tenure Faculty/Visiting $1,000,000

Endowed Funds for Programs, Prizes, and Awards
Student-faculty research, immersion learning travel, academic course development, and experiential learning opportunities such as internships all enhance the Wabash liberal arts experience. Similarly, celebrating student, faculty, and staff accomplishments is essential to fostering collaborative teaching and learning.  Wabash seeks additional endowed fund support for programs, prizes, and awards.  Endowed Funds for programs, prizes, and awards minimum $100,000.*

*Endowed funds can be established through a combination of outright and deferred gifts. Minimums listed are for an endowed fund to be used in full by the College. Wabash will start “holding accounts” for endowed funds at lower minimums. 

Current Scholarships, Prizes, and Awards
Click here to view a listing and description of current scholarships, prizes, and awards. 

Student in the Science Lab

How do I create my own endowed fund?
An Endowed Fund Agreement is a simple contract signed by the College and the donors(s).  By signing this agreement and accepting a gift, the College assumes responsibility of adhering to donor restrictions as outlined in the document.

How are funds managed and invested?
The College distributes to its funds the interest and dividends actually earned plus a prudent amount of the net investment gains, complying with a spending formula approved by the Board of Trustees. This formula is subject to spending targets between 4% and 6% of a twelve-quarter rolling average of the market value of the total return pool. Earnings beyond the target goal for a given year are typically reinvested to further bolster the principal fund value.

How does the College steward an endowed fund?
Wabash generates and sends an annual report to donors for each fund describing the historical value, current market value, and spendable amounts based on a June 30 closing date of the previous fiscal year. A fund agreement will specify how a donor and their family members will be stewarded.

What assets can be used to establish an endowed fund?

- Appreciated securities (public and privately held) including stocks, bonds, and mutual funds.

- Real estate including homes, farms, and commercial property.

- Tangible personal property including cars, boats, artwork, and collections.

- Retirement assets and life insurance.

Once established, can I add to an endowed fund later?
Yes, anyone may add to an endowed fund at any point. Outright gifts and deferred gifts from estate or other forms of deferred giving are encouraged.

I am ready to start the discussion about an endowed fund, who do I contact?
Contact the Wabash Advancement Office at 877-743-4545.

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